17. Grazer Konferenz - Qualität der Lehre   2013
Teaching Medical Skills

Jan Breckwoldt
Waltraud Eder
Simon Fandler
Martin Fischer
Peter Frey
Matthäus Ch. Grasl
Wolfgang Hampe
Monika Himmelbauer
Angelika Hofer
Michaels Katstaller
Günther Körmöeczi
Mirjana Knorr
Karl Kremser
Peter Loidl
Christoph Nikendei
Jürgen Osterbrink
Karen Pierer
Herbert Plass
Wolfgang Prodinger
Gilbert Reibnegger
Michael Ross
Stefanie Seitz
Jörg-Ingolf Stein

Martin Arendasy

Development of the current admission procedure to Medical Universities in Austria
Institute of Psychology, University Graz, Austria

Lecture Admission of medical students

Round Table
Admission of medical students

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Teaches at the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg / Austria international healthcare policy, healthcare management and social science research.
Research builds upon a structuralist labor process analysis in which the rationality or effectiveness of the contemporary forms of managerial initiatives within distinct healthcare contexts are neither taken for granted nor presumed.
Publications on the architectural and artistic design of hospital organizations, the causes and consequences of nurse absence, comparative healthcare policy, analytical HRM, the German healthcare reform experience and the idea of mobilizing corporate cultures in the healthcare sector.

Competencies of physicians required from the perspective of nursing – international development

Was sollen die Studierenden der Humanmedizin lernen – aus Sicht der Pflege?

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Jan Breckwoldt

Clinician educator, head of the vice deanery of education at the University of Zurich
Clinical background: more than 20 years of clinical anaesthesiology and emergency medicine
Medical education: resuscitation training, curriculum planning ("Modellstudiengang Berlin")
Faculty development: focus in clinical teaching (clinical teaching module of the German master programme for medical education, MME-D)
ogether with Kai Schnabel development of a specific module for bedside teaching.

OSCE at the University of Zurich

Bedside Teaching

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Waltraud Eder

Curriculum Director, PMU Salzburg
Panel Discussion: KPJ Erfahrungen in Österreich

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Simon Fandler

Round Table
Admission of medical students

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Martin Fischer

Dr. Fischer is a general internist and endocrinologist. Since August 2011 he is full professor for Medical Education at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Open-Access Journal Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung (ZMA), a reviewer for numerous journals and institutions and the president of the German Association for Medical Education (GMA). From 2008 until 2011 he worked as Dean for Education, and Director of the Institute for Teaching and Educational Research in Health Sciences at the Faculty of Health of Witten/Herdecke University, Germany. Dr. Fischer received his education in Hamburg and Freiburg, Germany, with the doctor’s degree in medicine (MD) awarded at the University of Freiburg. He received his Master of Medical Education (MME) degree at the University of Berne, Switzerland, and is also certified in medical informatics.

Lecture and Workshop

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Peter Frey

University Bern
Deans Office, Person in Charge for Undergraduate Medical Education
  • Doctor Thesis:
    Educational Video ‘Schizophrenia - Lifelong ill?’
  • Head of the Education and Media Unit at the Institute of Medical Education, 1991-2008
  • Project Leader for the Website for Students,
    Reform of the Clinical Skills Training,
    Introduction of Simulated Patients and OSCE’s in 2002
  • Master of Advanced Studies in Medical Education MME (Bern), 2001
  • Coordinator of the Reform of the Masterstudy, Deans Office, 2008-2011
  • Research Manager at the Institute for General Practice, University of Bern, since 2008

Bologna Reform in Switzerland - Innovation or Burden?

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Matthäus Ch. Grasl
Medical University of Vienna

Associate Professor at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Medical University of Vienna where he is employed since 1980.
Coordinator of Block 18 and the ENT-Tertial of the MCW.
Member of many working groups installed for the implementation of the “Clinical practical year”.

Master of Medical Education (Heidelberg) 2010.

Main interests in modern Medical Education:
  • curriculum development
  • clinical teaching
  • PBL
  • CBL
  • assessments
  • blended learning
  • neurodidactic research


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Wolfgang Hampe
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

1985-1993diploma and PhD in biochemistry, Tübingen, Berlin and Frankfurt
2005-2008Master of Medical Education Germany, Heidelberg
since 2008Professor for biochemistry with focus on teaching at the University hospital Hamburg Eppendorf.
Fields of interest:student selection, curriculum development, eLearning, assessment, Faculty development.
National activities:Development of a competency based catalogue of learning objectives (NKLM); member of several committees of the Wissenschaftsrat
2012Ars legendi – Fakultätenpreis Medizin
2009Hamburger Lehrpreis
2005 - 2013eight times „Teacher of the year“ at the medical faculty Hamburg

Admission of medical students

Round Table
: Admission of medical students

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Monika Himmelbauer

Experiences as teacher in secondary school (psychology and history) and in a school for handicapped children. Since 2002 staff of Department of Medical education (Medical University of Vienna): Developing assessment for medical students (particularly MC-examinations, OSCE). Teaching activities in PBL, communication skills and elementary statistics in medicine, as well as in workshops around assessment and testing.

Assessment of clinical competence by OSCE

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Angelika Hofer

Assistant Professor at the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Medical University Graz (MUG)
Study commission member since 2010
Member of the curriculum development working groups in Graz since 2011 (Development of the clinical cataloque of learning objectives of the MUG and quality assurance in medical education)

Short Lecture
Experiences in OSCE

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Michaela Katstaller

Master’s degree in educational research from the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg including participation in a year-long exchange in the Department of Statistics at Duke University (North Carolina, USA).
The doctoral thesis focuses on risk and protective factors in school alienation.
Elaboration of a concept for the evaluation of multiple-choice examinations at Paracelsus Medical University and responsible for calculating key figures as part of a thorough examination of quality assurance standards for multiple-choice tasks in the study of human medicine.

Short Lecture
Key features in the analysis of multiple-choice examination tasks

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Günther Körmeczi

Associate Professor for Blood Group Serology and Transfusion Medicine; Head of the Red Cell Laboratory and Granulocyte Immunology at the University Hospital Vienna. Extensive training in didactics. Since 2003 intensive teaching activities at the Medical University of Vienna and the University of Applied Sciences Vienna; inclunding PhD and faculty development lectures. Responsible teaching coordinator for Blood Group Serology. Development of new curricular elements in the Medical Curriculum Vienna (Mentoring, PBL steering committee, intersciplinary skills lines, presentation techniques and others). Since 2012 curriculum coordinator of the OSCE for fourth-year medical students.

Assessment of clinical competence by OSCE

Short Lecture
Experiences in OSCE

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Mirjana Knorr
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

2006 – 2012Diploma in Psychology, University of Mannheim, Germany
Minor in Business Administration
Academic appointments
since 2013Research assistant and PhD student, Research Group Student Admission, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf


Round Table
: Admission of medical students

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Karl Kremser
Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Associate Professor, Department of Medical Education Head of administration
Coordinator of the 1st year of the MCW coordinator of the 1st module and the PBL-program of the MCW Special Interests: Staff development, new didactic methods, E-Learning in the field of Medical Education

Assessment by Interactivity

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Peter Loidl
Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria

Vice Rector for Teaching and Study Affairs

Round Table
Admission of medical students

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Christoph Nikendei

Short Lecture
Experiences in OSCE

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Jürgen Osterbrink

Vorstands Institut für Pflegewissenschaft und -praxis

Platzhirsch trifft Jammerlappen - über das Wesen der interprofessionellen klinischen Versorgung (held in German)


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Karen Pierer
Medical University of Innsbruck

Professional training: family doctor and microbiology specialized in virology, Medical Education
Position: Staff Unit for Curriculum Design and Assessment at the University of Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria
Special interest: skills training and assessment of competences, quality assurance in education


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Herbert Plass

Assistant Professor, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Herbert Plass received the PhD (Biochemistry) at the University of Vienna in 1980.
Pharmacological Institute, University of Vienna,
Department of Medical Education, Medical University of Vienna

Main interest in modern teaching and learning methods: PBL, TBL, e-learning

Introduction of the learning platform "MOODLE" into the curriculum of the Medical University of Vienna


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Wolfgang Prodinger

Short Lecture
Experiences in OSCE

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Gilbert Reibnegger

Professor, Medical University of Graz, Austria

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Michael Ross

  • Senior Clinical Lecturer in the Centre for Medical Education at the University of Edinburgh.
  • Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Clinical Teacher journal, and works clinically in General Practice.
  • At the University, responsibilities include the MSc and PhD programmes in Clinical Education, training medical students to teach, and aspects of faculty development.
  • Research interests focus on faculty development, outcomes-based education and medical students learning to teach.
  • Involved in the Tuning Project in Medicine since 2004, coordinating the Bologna second cycle project, leading the Bologna first cycle project, and contributing to the project on research competencies for all three cycles (www.medine2.com).
  • Led Phase 1 of the NES Faculty Development for Scotland Project, which identified consensus on teaching competencies for all fully-qualified doctors working in Scotland.

Training doctors and medical students to teach

Bologna and the Tuning Project in Medicine

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Matthias Schlechta
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Referent für Bildungspolitik
ÖH Med Wien
Student der Humanmedizin im 3. Abschnitt

Round Table
Admission of medical students

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Stefanie Seitz

Experiences in teaching and mentoring at the University of Vienna; since 2012 staff of Department of Medical education (Medical University of Vienna): developing assessment for medical students (particularly MC examinations) and supporting the development of a new Skills Lab at the Medical University of Vienna.

Assessment of clinical competence by OSCE

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Jörg-Ingolf Stein
Medical University of Innsbruck,
Organizer of "Graz Conference"

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Parcelsus Medical University Salzburg
Professor of Pneumology,
Dean for Academic Affairs

1978-1986:Medical School at University of Vienna
1988-1989: Master of Science in Epidemiology at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Prof Geoffrey Rose
1989-1996:Training in Respiratory Medicine at Center for Pulmonary Disease, Vienna
1991: Fulbright Fellowhsip at Harvard Medical School, Channing Laboratory with Prof. Frank Speizer
1997-2000:Training in Intensive Care Medicine at Center for Pulmonary Disease, Vienna
1999:Habilitation in Pneumology at Univeristity of Vienna
2000:Head of Dept of Respiratory Medicine at Landeskrankenhaus, Salzburg
2003:Founding Dean of Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg
2006:Professor and Chairman of Univ Dept of Pneumology, Salzburg
2007:Secretary General of the Austrian Society of Pneumology
MembershipsERS, ATS, ACCP

Lecture/Round Tabel
Admission of medical students

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