19. Grazer Konferenz - Qualität der Lehre   2015
20 years Graz Conference -
Impact on Medical Education

Ferenc Bari
Liesbeth Borgermans
Jan Breckwoldt
Florian Buchner
Gottfired Csanyi
Simona Dragan
Martin Fischer
Matthäus Ch. Grasl
Kurt Grünewald
Karl Kremser
Peter Loidl
Richard März
Christian A. Müller
Karen Pierer
Herbert Plass
Ismo Ripatti
Michael Ross
Dagmar Schaffler-Schaden
Jörg-Ingolf Stein
Dusan Suput
Gerhard-Johann Zlabinger

Ferenc Bari

Dean, University of Szeged, Hungary
Graduated "engineer in biomedical control and measurement techniques" and "Physiology and Biophysics" Dr. Bari holds the position of a "chairman at Department of Medical Physics and Informatics" and "Director of international affairs at the Faculty of Medicine" at the University of Szeged, Hungary.
His research focuses on cerebral blood flow and experimental stroke, microcirculation, and information technologies in the medical education.

Short Lecture
Contribution to the session "The challenge posed by EU-Membership to curriculum design and the medical system in Hungary, Romania, and Slovenia"

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Liesbeth Borgermans Biography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel,

Integrated care - role in medical education:
1st experience with implementation in a running curriculum

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Jan Breckwoldt

Clinician educator, head coordinator of the Vice Deanery of Education Affairs at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich
Clinical background: more than 20 years of clinical anaesthesiology and emergency medicine
Medical education: resuscitation training, curriculum planning ("Modellstudiengang Berlin")
Faculty development: focus in clinical teaching (clinical teaching module of the German master programme for medical education, MME-D)
Together with Kai Schnabel development of a specific module for bedside teaching.


Bedside Teaching
In this workshop a process-based concept of BST will be presented. We will work on a practical example of teacher training for BST, including strengths and weaknesses. Participants will be provided with a pragmatic approach to train young faculty for BST at their home institutions.

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Florian Buchner
Clinical Unit Horse Surgery, University of Vetrinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria
1991Doctoral thesis veterinary medicine
1995PhD Utrecht
2001Habilitation Orthopedics in Ungulates
2001Associate Professor
Special Interest: Postgradual Education

Kurz-Feedback für klinische Tätigkeiten

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Gottfried Csanyi

Gottfried S. Csanyi has a Ph.D. in educational sciences (1985) from the University of Vienna. He specialized in staff development and curriculum development in higher education, and since 1995 in technology enhanced teaching and learning. He belonged (together with Richard März) to a small working-group responsible for designing and implementing a new medical curriculum, which went into effect starting 2001. Dr. Csanyi worked as an expert for didactics in several national as well as EU-funded e-learning projects like FACILE (1998-2000), CUBER (2000-02), ODLAC (2004-06) and VIRQUAL / Virtual Mobility and European Qualification Framework (2009-11). Since 2005 he works at Vienna University of Technology / Teaching Support Center.

Didactics of the E-Learning concept of the Technical University of Vienna

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Simona Dragan Vice Rector, Timisoara, Romania


Short Lecture
Contribution to the session "The challenge posed by EU-Membership to curriculum design and the medical system in Hungary, Romania, and Slovenia"

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Martin Fischer

Dr. Fischer is a general internist and endocrinologist.
Since August 2011 he is full professor for Medical Education at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Open-Access Journal Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung (ZMA), a reviewer for numerous journals and institutions and the president of the German Association for Medical Education (GMA).
From 2008 until 2011 he worked as Dean for Education, and Director of the Institute for Teaching and Educational Research in Health Sciences at the Faculty of Health of Witten/Herdecke University, Germany.
Dr. Fischer received his education in Hamburg and Freiburg, Germany, with the doctor’s degree in medicine (MD) awarded at the University of Freiburg. He received his Master of Medical Education (MME) degree at the University of Berne, Switzerland, and is also certified in medical informatics.

Clinical Reasoning – A special case of scientific reasoning.
Can clinical reasoning be considered a unique form of scientific reasoning and argumentation in practice? A generic model of scientific reasoning will be presented, and science-based reasoning in practice will be discussed.

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Matthäus Ch. Grasl
Medical University of Vienna

Associate Professor at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Medical University of Vienna where he is employed since 1980.
Coordinator of Block 18 and the ENT-Tertial of the MCW.
Member of many working groups installed for the implementation of the “Clinical practical year”.

Master of Medical Education (Heidelberg) 2010.

Main interests in modern Medical Education:
  • curriculum development
  • clinical teaching
  • PBL
  • CBL
  • assessments
  • blended learning
  • neurodidactic research


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Karl Kremser
Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Associate Professor, Department of Medical Education Head of administration
Coordinator of the 1st year of the MCW coordinator of the 1st module and the PBL-program of the MCW Special Interests: Staff development, new didactic methods, E-Learning in the field of Medical Education


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Adelheid Kresse
Medical University of Graz, Austria

Associate Professor, Institute for Pathophysiology und Immunology

Experiences reports
Diploma Thesis and scientific work

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Peter Loidl
Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria

Vice Rector for Teaching and Study Affairs

Experiences reports
Diploma Thesis and scientific work

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Richard März

Professor, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Richard Marz received his primary and secondary education in Vienna, Austria. For his university training he moved to the USA, obtaining a B.A. in Chemistry from Grinnell College (Iowa) and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from St. Louis University (MO). After a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Minnesota (MN) he moved back to Austria. In 1982 he received a faculty appointment at the medical faculty of the University of Vienna (since 2004 the Medical University of Vienna).

Though Richard carried a full-time teaching load in Medical Biochemistry until his retirement in 2012, about 20 years ago his academic interests gradually shifted to Medical Education. He belonged to a small working-group responsible for designing and implementing a new medical curriculum, which went into effect starting 2001.

From 2000 – 2011 he served as coordinator of the first year of studies; from 2005 until 2012 he was the ECTS departmental coordinator for undergraduate medical education and thus responsible for international student and staff mobility. 2004 – 2012 he headed the Section of Science and International Relations, which is part of the Department of Medical Education.

He served in the consortium of several TEMPUS projects and was a member of the executive board of the MEDINE 2 thematic network. 2011 – 2013 he was the Project Manager (local implementation officer at the Medical University of Vienna) and University Management Expert for: European Quality and Professional Competence in Medical University Education and Management (POSDRU 63815/2009, E-mediqual). This was an EU-funded curriculum development and change management project of 5 Romanian Medical Faculties.

From 1995 – 2009 he was the President of the Austrian Society for Didactics in Higher Education. He was a member of the editorial board of the "Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE)" and "Medical Education" and still is Associate Editor of "Advances in Health Sciences Education (AHSE)". 1995 – 2012 he co-organized and chaired the yearly "Graz Conference on Medical Education". Richard is the recipient of two honorary doctorates from the universities of Timisoara and Tirgu Mures (Romania).

20 Years Graz Conference on Medical Education: Why was it held the first time in 1995 and why did it continue?

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Christian A. Müller



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Karen Pierer
Medical University of Innsbruck

Professional training: family doctor and microbiology specialized in virology, Medical Education
Position: Staff Unit for Curriculum Design and Assessment at the University of Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria
Special interest: skills training and assessment of competences, quality assurance in education


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Herbert Plass

Assistant Professor, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Herbert Plass received the PhD (Biochemistry) at the University of Vienna in 1980.
Pharmacological Institute, University of Vienna,
Department of Medical Education, Medical University of Vienna

Main interest in modern teaching and learning methods: PBL, TBL, e-learning

Introduction of the learning platform "MOODLE" into the curriculum of the Medical University of Vienna


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Ismo Ripatti

Ismo Ripatti graduated in Finland with MD degree in the year 1979, US legislation (VQE) in 1980. 10 years inhospital practice in clinical medicine, 20 years of experience in medical pharmacology training and international pharma learning concept design based on new electronical methods of education. Main educational focus has been in developing methods for case based learning to support preclinical medical education.

Personal interest in scientific studies on human learning and computers. Ripatti has given medical university lessons and small group tutoring in Eastern Finland University early 90s and periodically every year during the years 2001-2010.

Dr. Ripatti is the inventor of the Interactive Presenter TM System since 1995. Interactive presentation concept for medical education and quality assessment of teaching/learning outcome using Interactive Presenter in large organizations, international medical congressses and in several universities has been one activity.

Other activities include over 100 television programs on medical topics for European TV companies, some 30 medical content CD-ROMs, 15 major websites for medical informatics, wireless patient data collection, measurements with the help of electronical data collection and analysis for international companies to serve quality assessment in informatics. Participating in production and planning process of educational contents creation for large international organisations.


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Michael Ross
University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Senior Clinical Lecturer in the Centre for Medical Education at the University of Edinburgh.
  • Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Clinical Teacher journal, and works clinically in General Practice.
  • At the University, responsibilities include the MSc and PhD programmes in Clinical Education, training medical students to teach, and aspects of faculty development.
  • Research interests focus on faculty development, outcomes-based education and medical students learning to teach.
  • Involved in the Tuning Project in Medicine since 2004, coordinating the Bologna second cycle project, leading the Bologna first cycle project, and contributing to the project on research competencies for all three cycles (www.medine2.com).
  • Led Phase 1 of the NES Faculty Development for Scotland Project, which identified consensus on teaching competencies for all fully-qualified doctors working in Scotland.



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Dagmar Schaffler-Schaden
Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität

Head of Production - GMP Laboratory, Paracelsus Medical University (PMU), Salzburg
Ph.D. in Cell Biology and Biochemistry from the University of Salzburg
Venia docendi in molecular cellbiology
Coordinator for the longitudinal education module „scientific competence“ (WIKO) at PMU
Coordinator of the research trimester at PMU
Coordinator for the 1st year preclinical education (Biology & Molecular Biology) at PMU

Experiences reports
Diploma Thesis and scientific work

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Jörg-Ingolf Stein
Medical University of Innsbruck,
Organizer of "Graz Conference"

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Dusan Suput

University of Lubljana, Slovenia
Professor of Pathophysiology, and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine As a Dean and as a member of the EASA he has been involved in the quality improvement of medical studies and in development of a more intensive and integrated medical curriculum.
His group studies processes of degeneration, regeneration and repair at a molecular level (electrophysiology, laser scanning confocal microscopy, microspectrofluorimetry, molecular genetics) and in vivo (MRI, electrophysiology)

Short Lecture
Contribution to the session "The challenge posed by EU-Membership to curriculum design and the medical system in Hungary, Romania, and Slovenia"

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Vice-Curriculumdirector, Medical University of Vienna

Experiences reports
Diploma Thesis and scientific work

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