th Graz Conference on Medical Education 2008
Date of Conference
18. - 20. September 2008
Hörsaalzentrum der Medizinischen Universität Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 15
8036 Graz, Austria
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik
- Medizinische Universität Graz
Richard März, Wien
Jörg-Ingolf Stein, Innsbruck
Josef Haas, Graz
Why does Gender have a role in Medicine?
(C. Muhr, Uppsala, Sweden)
Doctor-patient-communication - new concepts of teaching and learning.
(C. Kiessling, Hamburg,Germany)
Bioethics in the medical curriculum?
(G. Werner-Felmayer, Innsbruck; S. Rinofner-Kreidl, H. Tritthart, Graz, Austria)
Training in research methodologies as part of medical education
(C. v. Schravendijk, Brussels, Belgium)
TEMPUS Projects for Medical Faculties - how do they work and what do they accomplish?
Geert De Lepeleer and Andre Govaert, Gent, Belgium
- Introducing Leadership
S. Golaszewski, K.-D. Kisslinger