Freitag/Friday | 4. 4. 2014
09:15 |
Lecture |
Assessment in Medical Education
To identify the adequate assessment method at the appropriate stage in the continuum of medical education is essential. How does the Austrian medical education look like in the context of international standards? Aspects will be analysed und arguments will be reflected.
Karen Pierer
10:00 |
Lecture |
Competencies of physicians required from the perspective of nursing – international development
(held in German)
Margitta Beil-Hildebrand
10:30 |
Coffee |
11:00 | Workshops to choose from | |
2a |
Was sollen die Studierenden der Humanmedizin lernen – aus Sicht der Pflege?
(held in German)
Margitta Beil-Hildebrand
| 2b |
Training doctors and medical students to teach
This workshop will explore conceptions of teaching, brief and systematic approaches to faculty development, and issues around training medical students to teach.
Michael Ross
| 2c |
360° Assessment
Jörg Stein |
| 2d |
Interactivity by Assessment
Karl Kremser
Herbert Plass
12:30 |
14:00 | Lecture |
Bologna and the Tuning Project in Medicine
This lecture will present the Tuning Project in Medicine, which sought Europe-wide consensus on core learning outcomes for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degrees in Medicine.
Michael Ross |
14:00 | Lecture |
Bologna Reform in Switzerland - Innovation or Burden?
In 2007 the Swiss Medical Schools had implemented the formal aspects of Bologna. Led the reform also to innovations in medical education or was it a bureaucratic burden?
Peter Frey |
15:30 |
Coffee |
16:00 | Workshops to choose from | |
3a |
Assessment of clinical competence by OSCE
In this workshop, selection criteria for OSCE item and station format as well as strategies for effective OSCE project management are discussed.
Günther Körmöczi,
Monika Himmelbauer,
Stefanie Seitz
3b |
Arbeitsplatzbasiertes Assessment
Workplace based learning and assessment are part of the undergraduate curriculum due to the introduction of the “Klinisch Praktische Jahr”. Methods already used elsewhere will be introduced and possibilities of their implementation into the curriculum will be elaborated during the workshop.
Karen Pierer
3c |
Key features in the analysis of multiple-choice examination tasks
This workshop presents easily comprehensible criteria for the evaluation of multiple-choice
examinations with the objective of improving quality assurance standards.
Michaela Katstaller
20:00 |
Conference Dinner in St. Peter